YSY Huo Xiang Zheng Qi Re 200g 憶思源藿香正气
发汗祛暑,化湿调脾胃。用于夏季外感风寒引起的头痛头晕,呕吐腹泻。 Induce diaphoresis and clear away summer-heat, to resolve damp and regulate the function of the spleen and stomach. Used for colds with summer-heat and dampness marked by headache, dizziness, vomiting and diarrhea. 每日服 2-3 次,每次 3 克。(温水服用) Take 3 gram, 2-3 times daily. (To be taken with warm water) 阴 虚 燥咳,津 伤口渴,血 证及 痰 燥者 禁服, 孕妇慎服。 Contraindicated in syndrome of yin deficiency accompanied with dry cough, body fluid depletion and thirst, in hemorrhagic disorders and in dry-phlegm syndrome. Use with caution inpregnancy.