Nature's Green Gallbladder Support Tablets 60 tablets 利胆排石片
Used for distending pain in the hypochondrium, fever, yellow urine and constipation caused by cholelithiasis and cholecystitis. Removes damp-heat, increases the flow of bile and expels gallstone.
Dosage: For oral administration, take 6 tablets to expel gallstone or 4 tablets to treat inflammation, 2 times daily.
功能主治: 清热利湿, 利胆排石。用于湿热蕴毒、腑气不通所致胁痛、胆胀, 症见胁肋胀痛、发热、尿黄、大便不通; 胆石症见上述症候者。
用量: 排石:一日2次, 一次6片; 炎症:一日2次, 一次4片。