YSY Wu Ling San Ultrafine Powder 200g 憶思源五苓散超细粉
YSY Wu Ling San Ultrafine Powder 200g 憶思源五苓散超细粉
YSY Wu Ling San Ultrafine Powder 200g 憶思源五苓散超细粉

YSY Wu Ling San Ultrafine Powder 200g 憶思源五苓散超细粉


主治/ Indication:


Invigorate the spleen to remove dampness by using mild-flavoured diuretics.

Suitable for headache, fever,

difficulty in urination, excessive thirst, vomit when drink water, white and greasy tongue coating and floating Pulse caused by external cold.

服量/ Dosage:

每日服 2-3次,每次3克。(温水服用)

Take 3 gram, 2-3 times daily.

(To be taken with warm water)