Clearing heat and draining damp ,expelling calculi and relieving stranguria
INDICATIONS : used to treat heat stranguria,blood stranguria and urolithic stranguria caused by damp and heat retention in lower enegizer,accompanied with the symptom of difficult and painful urination ,turbid urination,bloody urine,dribbling urination,fullness in the lower abdomen,and even uroschesis and ischuria
DOSAGE: Take 4 capsules two times daily,take after meal
功能 : 清热利湿,排石通淋
主治 : 湿热蘊结下焦之热淋,血淋,石淋。症见尿时涩痛,小便混浊,或小便带血,淋沥不畅,小腹急满,甚或癃闭不通等症。
服法 : 每日2次,每次4粒,饭后服用