FLU-RELIEVER Shangfeng Ganmao 30 capsules
Releasing the exterior and dispersing wind cold, dispelling wind and removing dampness. Used to treat exterior wind damp cold with the symptom of aversion to cold, having fever, nasal congestion and discharge, heavy cough, itching throat with phlegm, heavy sensation of body without sweat, distending pain of body and lamb, thin coating and floating pulse.
Dosage: 4 capsules 3 times daily after meal.
功能主治:解表散寒,祛风除湿。用于伤风感冒,恶寒发热,鼻塞流涕,咳嗽声重, 咽痒痰少,无汗身重, 或肢体酸胀,苔薄脉浮。